I'm Filippo Ricci, an Italian guy from the Abruzzo region,
based in England since 2015.
I'm the owner and director of
IM.PA.STO in Cramlington.
PIZZERIA ITALIA are a sit-in and take-away Pizza Shops,
IM.PA.STO is an Academy, Lab and Showroom.
I'm a professional Pizza Chef and I’m also a member of the
‘Squadra Italiana Pizzaioli Professionisti’,
which is an Italian group of professional pizza makers.
I consider myself a Businessman,
in fact I made my name my brand,
in order to bring my professionalism and competence
to the world of baking.
In the last years I used my passion and hard work
to become a partner and official dealer
of the best top-rated Pizza equipment brands
famous all over the world.
Since 2023 I have been Chef
Ambassador for Moretti Forni
through the Moretti LAB.
My main project is called
where I take care of your pizza's business all around.
All you need for a winning project !
“Pizza is a magic moment, I love Pizza,
and I think of it like an Evolving Tradition”